FreePBX, разное, про ошибки, немного траблшутинга

FreePBX, разное, про ошибки, немного траблшутинга

Unable to set timezone (Unable to set timezone to UTC/UTC because PHP does not support that timezone, the timezone has been temporarily changed to UTC. Please set the timezone in Advanced Settings.)

nano /etc/php.ini
Найти строку:
;date.timezone =
Заменить на:
date.timezone = Europe/Moscow (или нужный)
service httpd restart

Settings — Advanced Settings — System Setup
PHP Timezone — выставить Europe/Moscow (или нужный)


Invalid Language (You have selected an invalid language ‘en_EN’ this has been automatically switched back to ‘en_US’ please resolve this in advanced settings [Nonexistent in Locale])
Settings — Advanced Settings — System Setup
Default language — вписать en_US вместо en_EN

debug => debug
console => notice,warning,error
messages => notice,warning,error
full => notice,warning,error,verbose
syslog.local0 => notice,warning,error


asterisk -r
*CLI> core set verbose 3

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